In recent years, the UI Horse Farm has had good success in producing top performers like Rev Me Up p, 3, 1:51.2, r.t. p, 4, 1:50.3 ($321,205) and Steak and Gravy p, 1:53.4H ($166,978) from its pacing broodmares. However, the trotting band was sparsely populated with only two broodmares. The trotting side of the UI herd has taken a big step forward with the recent acquisitions of the mares Fox Valley Shiraz T, 2, 2:05.2H ($7,771) (International Chip – Pacific Chardonnay – Super Bowl), Maplegrove Natalie T, 2, 2:00.2; r.t. T, 2, 1:57.4 ($68,207) (American Native – Maple Grove Glide – Yankee Glide), Reigning Chip T, 3, Q 1:59.4F ($6,827) (Pine Chip – Crown Guest – Royal Prestige) and Selma (Valley Victor – Wall Street Floozy – Wall Street Banker)
Soon after the UI Horse Farm acquired Fox Valley Shiraz, her 2 year old colt Mucho Bueno T, 2, 1:58.4 ($51,650) came on like gangbusters to become the top ICF money-winning 2 year old trotting colt of 2011 with wins in the $53,500 Plesac Stake at Balmoral Park and in the $45,000 IL State Fair Colt Stakes final. Maple Grove Natalie, a multiple stakes-winner herself and the dam of only a yearling and weanling thus far in her young career, saw her full sister Maple Grove Shaelyn T, 3, 1:55.0M ($78,276) become the fastest and richest ICF 3 year old trotting filly in 2011 with wins in the $45,000 IL State Fair 3 YO Filly Trot final and the $103,000 Lady Ann Reed Stake final on Super Night at Balmoral Park. After acquiring top new trotting mares like these with close connections to current champions, in addition to sisters to Regal Visitor T, 1:54.4 ($234,863) and Litigator T, 1:54.3F ($477,625), the UI Horse Farm expects to make a more significant contribution to the list of ICF trotting champions in the very near future.